Wedding Prep

Prepare for Marriage by Doing THIS

Becoming Gold, Wedding Planning

Are you overwhelmed by all the things you need to do for your wedding day? Do you feel like planning your wedding is distracting you from preparing for marriage? Are you tired of planning and just want to be married already? Those are normal things to feel. But it doesn’t have to be this way! […]

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7 Tips for the Best Getting Ready Experience

For Brides, Wedding Planning

Once the morning of your wedding rolls around, the whole thing gets much easier. The details are as done as can be, the day has arrived, and your only task left to do is to get married. Your mind should be focused on your marriage, especially as you get ready! Here are seven tips to […]

How to Get Beautiful Photos of Your Bridal Details

For Brides, Wedding Planning

Your wedding day is coming up and you’ve done the work to get all the details sorted out – yay! You’ve got your dress, your shoes, and your jewelry all picked out. To make sure all the pieces you’ve lovingly chosen are documented beautifully, here’s what to do! First things first, here’s what I mean […]

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How to Make Your Guest List

Wedding Planning

Even if you’re not engaged, I’m sure the thought of a wedding guest list has been on your mind at one point or another. How do you know who to invite?  The answer might feel simple at first, like family & close friends, but as you make the list and see the numbers go up […]

How To Determine Your Wedding Budget

Wedding Planning

When it comes to life, we put our money into the things we find important. We decide what our priorities are and spend accordingly, even if we haven’t necessarily vocalized those priorities yet (I’m lookin at you, coffee shop down the street!!).  Of course there are things we need (and that aren’t necessarily fun, like […]

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3 Questions to Ask Before Turning to Pinterest

Wedding Planning

You’re engaged. Or, very soon to be engaged. Wedding planning is in your (very near) future. You’ve made the most important decision of all: get married. But now you’ve got what feels like a million more decisions to make as you plan how that first day of your marriage is going to go. I believe […]