I'm Laura-Anne, a wedding photographer
& wife living out my vows in Langley, BC, Canada.

Grab a coffee (decaf for me!) and enjoy my latest weddings, episodes from the Becoming Gold podcast, family photo inspiration, & stories from my life.

I'm so glad you're here.

I'm Laura-Anne, a wedding photographer
& wife living out my vows in Langley, BC, Canada.

Grab a coffee (iced for me!) and enjoy my latest weddings, episodes from the Becoming Gold podcast, & stories from my life.

I'm so glad you're here.

Welcome to the blog!

I'm Laura-Anne,
a wedding photographer & wife living out my vows in Langley, BC, Canada.

Grab a coffee (decaf for me!) and enjoy my latest weddings, episodes from the Becoming Gold podcast, wedding planning advice, & stories from my life.

I'm so glad you're here.

I'm Laura-Anne, a wedding photographer
& wife living out my vows in Langley, BC, Canada.

Grab a coffee (iced for me!) and enjoy my latest weddings, episodes from the Becoming Gold podcast, & stories from my life.

I'm so glad you're here.

Welcome to the blog!


One year ago we were all in Windsor, Ontario for Benjamin & Megan’s wedding day. They are some of my favourite people & celebrating with them & their family & friends was one of the most beautiful experiences. Ben has written about their wedding since then, and I’ve asked them about their marriage, too, having been able to spend more time with them in their home in January.

Today they celebrate their first anniversary; a great reason to pause & reflect on what the last year has held. Thanks for answering my questions, Mr & Mrs Turland! Here’s what they each have to say.





Three Things You’ve Learned in the Past Year of Marriage:

  • I learned that my concept of the capacity of love is wrong. My capacity to love my Wife is bottomless if I choose it. I love her more after one year than I did on my wedding day, which I thought was crazy when I first heard it. We have also become better friends, which I did not know possible.
  • I learned how to accept compassion and love from Megan and to accept that one person can care so much for me and to embrace it.
  • Marriage is just the start, one year in, and it keeps getting better. We dive deeper into each other lives, activities, and I still don’t know everything and that’s exciting. That it really does take a conscious “yes” every day to grow closer to each other. It is easy to get lazy.



Two Things You Want to Do in the Next Year of Marriage:

  • Even though we have a baby on the way, I still want to go on dates and build that friendship with Megan.
  • I want to increase our intimacy in our prayer life together.




One Piece of Advice to People Getting Married This Year:

Slow down and take in your special day/engagement. The engagement can seem fast or short, and there can be a lot of pruning and growing in that season of life. First know it’s a season and it will pass. Also, on your wedding just take it all in, look at everyone who is traveling to see your special day and realize it is because they love and care for you. It won’t be perfect, but it will be exactly what you need.







Three Things You’ve Learned in the Past Year of Marriage:

  • Marriage does not equal settling down, it’s quite the opposite. Marriage is an incredible adventure! Everyday I learn something new about Ben, myself or just life in general.
  • The greatest thing about being married is the everyday simple joys: waking up next to my best friend, having coffee together in the morning, having dinner together and talking about our days or even Ben taking care of me when I’m sick. I didn’t know how much joy these every day things could bring me.
  • How to get through airport security efficiently (I travelled more in the last year than in my entire life combined)

Two Things You Want to Do in the Next Year of Marriage:

  • Cherish the man I married.
  • Witness my husband become a Father. Can’t wait to see him as a dad when our new baby comes in August.

One Piece of Advice to People Getting Married This Year:

Remember your Wedding Day is not the finish line, it’s the beginning of a wonderful new chapter. 




Benjamin & Megan,

Being at your wedding was undeniably awesome. Being able to watch your marriage grow & transform your lives – that’s even better. 

Megan, I said it a year ago but it still rings true: you see people. You have this gift of perception & understanding, making space for people to breathe & relax in your presence. In a world of busy, of go-go-go, it’s hard to pause & see people amidst the craziness, but you do.

Benjamin, you are strong & vulnerable, even if the world thinks those are dichotomous characteristics. You share your heart & encourage others in zillions of different ways with everyone in your life. You continually teach me the meaning of being humble; not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.

Thank you for fighting for your marriage. Cheers to many, many more anniversaries!




Shoutout to Timon Piccini for those getting ready photos of Ben!


Ready to inquire about your wedding? Email laura@laura-anne.ca

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one year anniversary // benjamin & megan

May 2, 2016